Our Mission
The mission of Helping Hand Foundation (HHF) is to provide multilevel broad-based support at the grass roots level. HHF action programs are based on high priority survival needs in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria, providing education, economic development and emergency health services, mobile care systems, and enhancing social opportunities for women and children.
The educational and health systems in Afghanistan are in dire states of neglect after three decades of conflict. Devastation of the country from war and hostile occupation has destroyed over 70 percent of the schools and most its hospitals. The task of rebuilding these vital systems is urgent. Quality education and basic health are pillars for building a strong civil society and a vibrant democracy in Afghanistan. The HHF is investing in rebuilding schools, health services and related core social programs relevant to the needs of the twenty-first century Afghanistan as it embarks upon a promising future.
The Board of the Helping Hand Foundation is dedicated to increasing public awareness by spotlighting these critical needs and on developing effective solutions. HHF produces media worthy events and programs to attract the support of the public, donors, volunteers and securing involvement of decision makers. HHF also works with the other agencies focused on serving special areas concerning humanitarian needs, and other countries as well as with USA.

Our Mission
The mission of Helping Hand Foundation (HHF) is to provide multilevel broad-based support at the grass roots level. HHF action programs are based on high priority survival needs in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, Yemen, and Syria, providing education, economic development and emergency health services, mobile care systems, and enhancing social opportunities for women and children.
The educational and health systems in Afghanistan are in dire states of neglect after three decades of conflict. Devastation of the country from war and hostile occupation has destroyed over 70 percent of the schools and most its hospitals. The task of rebuilding these vital systems is urgent. Quality education and basic health are pillars for building a strong civil society and a vibrant democracy in Afghanistan. The HHF is investing in rebuilding schools, health services and related core social programs relevant to the needs of the twenty-first century Afghanistan as it embarks upon a promising future.
The Board of the Helping Hand Foundation is dedicated to increasing public awareness by spotlighting these critical needs and on developing effective solutions. HHF produces media worthy events and programs to attract the support of the public, donors, volunteers and securing involvement of decision makers. HHF also works with the other agencies focused on serving special areas concerning humanitarian needs, and other countries as well as with USA.